But when the kindness of God our Saviour and His love for mankind appeared, ... Titus 3:4

Of all the actions of one person toward another, an act of kindness will in most cases make the greatest and most positive lasting impression. We all love and are grateful when kindness is bestowed upon us. Acts of kindness in most cases, result in a return act of kindness as an expression of gratitude or at the very least a verbal or written appreciation is the norm.

But when we think of ‘kindness’ we cannot go past the greatest act of kindness ever showered upon mankind - the “kindness of God.”  

God by nature is kind but that aspect of His nature was fully displayed when at the appointed time, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. God’s kindness “appeared” through the power of the Holy Spirit who brought about Mary’s miraculous conception. As a result Jesus, the eternal Son from Heaven was born into the world. Jesus - God’s kindness is our Deliverer, Saviour, Redeemer and King, He is kindness personified. He came to seek and save those who are lost. 

So how will you respond? There has been no other act of kindness that can compare with what our Lord has done and is doing for us - lets be worshipfully thankful. Lets follow Jesus’ example and show kindness to others. I like how Alexander Strauch says this: Kindness is a readiness to do good, to help, to relieve burdens, to be useful, to serve, to be tender, and to be sympathetic to others. It has been said, “Kindness is love in work clothes.”