Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,” Philippians 2:3

I find that sinful pride can cleverly hide itself in so many disguises. Usually when we think of pride we tend to box it in to an attitude of the mind that convinces a person they are better and above others. As a result of this influential mind exercise, people become ‘full of themselves’ as we would say in everyday language and boasting is evident. 

But what about self - pity? Have you ever thought about what kind of mind exercise that is? Self -pity is just another disguised form of sinful pride. The opposite of self-pity is boasting, which we easily associate with pride. But self - pity is just as prideful. Let John Piper from his book, The Dangerous Duty of Delight extrapolate this for us as he compares boasting with self pity. 

Both are manifestations of pride. Boasting is the response of pride to success. Self-pity is the response of pride to suffering. Boasting says, "I deserve admiration because I have achieved so much." Self-pity says, "I deserve admiration because I have suffered so much." Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong. Self-pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak. Boasting sounds self-sufficient. Self-pity sounds self-sacrificing. The reason self-pity does not look like pride is that it appears to be so needy. But the need arises from a wounded ego. It doesn't come from a sense of unworthiness, but from a sense of unrecognized worthiness. It is the response of unapplauded pride. [Grace quotes] 

So next time you feel like having a ‘pity party’ remind yourself this is just my prideful old self in action using a sinful ploy of self - seeking attention!