23 Financial Insecurity (James 5:2-6)

Chad Coley
Series in James: Faith that Works
Financial Insecurity
James 5:2- 6
16 August 2020

Money is a tool for us to use for God's glory. We are never to despise those who are wealthy, because God gives wealth to some. However, James also warns against the ungodly use and acquisition of money.

James wants his readers to be aware of the selfish use of wealth so that we will not fall into its trap. The wealth God gives us is a gift to be used to help others, not to hoard. Riches either feed moths or men.

We are stewards of God's wealth. Everything we have is God's, and He expects us to use it for His glory. Wealth hoarded or gained unjustly will be eternally lost, but God rewards wealth given to help others.