The Book of Revelation - #10 PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF THE CHURCHES, PART 7: LAODICEA (Revelation 3:14-22)

31 December 2017
Steve Grant
Series in Revelation
Performance Review Of The Churches, Part 7: Laodicea
Revelation 3: 14 - 22

The church at Laodicea was rich - but Jesus called them poor. In his letter to them, Jesus calls them to return to the true wealth that is in Christ alone.

The Laodiceans lacked commitment. Like the water that arrived in their city, neither hot nor cold, their church was emetic i.e. vomit-inducing. Living as nominal Christians, they were not pleasing to God, nor a light to the world.

They were evaluating themselves by the world's standards, and not God's. They were evaluating their success by their affluence - but Jesus calls them poor. Jesus calls them to seek wealth in Him.

The solution of Christ: "buy from me." Jesus advises them to be dressed in His righteousness, and to seek spiritual sight from Him. He commands them to repent, and again be passionate about Him, for their love had grown cold.

Christ disciplines those He loves, and desires fellowship with His church. Do we seek closeness with Him?