81 Invincible Joy (John 16:16-24)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Invincible Joy
John 16:16 - 24
26 March 2023

We can too easily trust things that fail us, like material possessions or intellect. We experience anxiety and fear in these circumstances, but Christ promises His disciples that it doesn't have to be this way - we can have a lasting joy.

Invincible joy comes from knowing Jesus' mission. The disciples were greatly grieved when Jesus said He would leave them - the Holy Spirit had not yet indwelt them, and so they struggled to understand Jesus' words. After Christ had risen, they would see that cross was the very means of their salvation.

Invincible joy is magnified by close fellowship with God. The disciples would have intimate access to God through Christ's death and ascension, no longer to be mediated by a priest. We have the assurance today that God hears believers prayers directly, and answers them in accordance with His will.

Trials in life are certain, and trusting anything but Christ for joy will fail. He is our surety, and not even death can stop Him.