83 The Glory of The Son (John 17:1-5)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Jesus' Prayer to the Father
John 17:1 - 5
23 April 2023

Jesus prayed aloud to the Father so His disciples would see their closeness. Nowhere else do we see such intimacy as in John 17.

It's all about the glory. Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, rightfully deserves all glory. He is completely good, and His nature was about to be revealed at the cross. His love, righteousness, and benevolence were manifested at His death.

The cross was predetermined. Jesus was given all authority from eternity past over all humanity, and it was always His will to be sacrificed for His saints. The plan of salvation was not an afterthought, but a determined point in time.

Salvation was accomplished through obedience of the Son. Far from being an obligation, it was Christ's willing submission to die for guilty sinners. Had He not come and lived a perfect life, we would not have been saved; but it was His desire to do so.