85 Jesus Prays For His Disciples, Part 2 (John 17:6-10)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Jesus Prays For His Disciples, Part 2
John 17:6 - 10
14 May 2023

Disappointment can be a powerful emotion. When Jesus said He was going to leave the disciples, they were filled with dread, and so He reminded them of their belonging to Him.

Be encouraged and emboldened in your walk with Christ because you belong to God. Just as the disciples were chosen by the Father before the foundation of the world, so are all believers. The disciples believed and received Jesus' words and understood them - proof of the work of the Holy Spirit in them.

Be encouraged and emboldened because we have an Intercessor. Jesus prays for His people in their weakness. He prays to strengthen us, and to keep us from sin.

Be encouraged and emboldened because your life has meaning. God has gifted Jesus Christ His saints, and we have our identity and belonging in Him. Believers are secure in God, no matter what comes.