The Heavens Declare the Glory of God 

Have you ever been camping far away from the city lights? The abundance and brightness of those stars are a sight to behold. David tells us in Psalm 19 that the heavens declare God’s glory (19:1). The stars, moon, and the sun declare much about their Creator (19:2). The proper conclusion when confronted with this awesome display, is to be humbled and praise God. David says the skies shout to us about the character of God, without ever saying a word (19:3). Their declarations are not limited, they go out to the whole word (19:4). This handiwork tells of God’s power in creating, beauty in diversity, wisdom in order, and His sovereignty in His dominion over the universe (19:2). 

What is truly heartbreaking is that man sees all of this and rejects this revelation about God. They refuse to honour God and instead, with their sinful hearts and darkened minds, they worship the creation instead of the Creator (Rom 1:21). Man suppresses the truth about where he came from, his purpose in this world, and where he is destined. He has no other option but to believe in falsehoods of his own imagination (Rom 1:21). His unbelieving heart dooms him to an eternity away from his Creator (Rev 20:15). Because of their rejection of God, mankind is without excuse and falls under God’s wrath (Rom 1:25). The only hope for mankind is to humble themselves before their Creator and ask for the forgiveness He offers by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It is only as a regenerate follower of Christ Jesus that men and women can respond rightly to the heavens and give God the glory He rightly deserves.