10 The Incompatible Error of Favouritism (James 2:1 - 4)

Chad Coley
Series in James: Faith that Works
The Genuine Doer of the Word
James 1:26 - 27
17 May 2020

It is so easy to fall into the trap of a religious routine. But without the right heart, it is meaningless. James wants us to have pure and undefiled religion that is genuine, and not merely for show.

The deceived doer of the Word focuses on the external obligations of the law while living an uncontrolled life. If we can't control our tongue while thinking we are godly, we are deceived. Our heart must be right.

The genuine doer of the Word loves others and hates sin. Worshipping God is a privilege, and He is the judge of our lives. James says that real religion is having a pure heart before the Lord, and loving others more than ourselves.