29 Being God's Rescue Workers (James 5:19 - 20)

Chad Coley
Series in James: Faith that Works
Being God's Rescue Workers
James 5:19 - 20
4 October 2020

In every church there are those who do not truly believe. James calls us to be God's rescue workers for those who have wandered off.

There are only two people in this world; the children of God, and of the devil. Because of this, we should have concern for those who walk away. We should understand their condition, that they are sinners who have wandered from the truth.

We are not to be surprised at people walking away, because profession of faith is not a guarantee of salvation. True faith always produces fruit, love for God, and for His people.

We should still be involved in their life, calling them to repentance. James says that anyone who turns a wanderer back will save their soul and cover many sins. Everyone has this ministry of reconciliation.

We should know that eternity is at stake. Being involved in the salvation of someone is a monumental thing, and while we are yet living, it is not too late for anyone to turn back.