21 Acknowledging The Sovereignty of God (James 4:13 - 17)

Chad Coley
Series in James: Faith that Works
Acknowledging the Sovereignty of God
James 4:13 - 17
2 August 2020

James' challenge to us is to live our lives committing all our ways to God.

James calls us to reject an attitude of presumption. Our control is an illusion, and it is presumption to think we can do whatever we like. We do not know the future; only God does, and he controls all outcomes. We need to consider the spiritual element in our lives.

James calls us to adopt a submissive attitude, living for God's glory instead of our own desires. Instead of being self-assured and seeking our own way, we should adopt a mindset that seeks God's will. His will is always best for us, which is to love Him and be sanctified.

James calls us to realize that presumption is sinful. Thinking that we can get by on our own resources, and forgetting to include God is arrogance, because we forget that He is the sovereign one. Instead, let us live our lives in God's will, and to His glory.