The Commands & Demands of the Living Word

Peter Rufus
Series in Proverbs: Wise in His Eyes
The Commands and Demands of the Living Word
Proverbs 6:20 - 7:27
23 July 2023

The Living Word commands, and demands obedience. God's Word is the only infallible standard we have to look at life, and keeping it will keep us from evil. We must stamp our worldview with truth if we are to walk without stumbling.

The Living Word commands discernment, and demands maturity. Like Satan, the adulteress is beautiful outside but rotten to the core. The father cares about and warns his son, whereas the woman is dangerous and brash. The father warns about the punishment; the woman says there will be no consequences. We must discern between what looks good, and what is good.

Christ is the Living Word who made us, and we owe our lives to Him. The only way to keep ourselves from evil is to live a life ordered by Scripture.