Three Roads To Ruin

Peter Rufus
Series in Proverbs: Wise in His Eyes
Three Roads to Ruin
Proverbs 6:1 - 19
04 June 2023

Our attitudes towards work and money are generally reflective of our heart. Solomon describes three paths to ruin: active ignorance, which turns into indolence, which turns into insurgency.

Solomon warns against financial foolishness. The Bible encourages wholehearted generosity, but it also warns against rash pledges. It is never wise to be surety for someone in a situation you do not know, so be careful what you say yes to.

Solomon warns against sinful slothfulness. He describes the industry of the ant as something the lazy person can learn from. Work is not a curse, though the hardness of work is. Our God is a working God, and we work in His image.

Solomon warns against devilish divisiveness. The final path is where the foolish and slothful man ends up. Having rejected God's general mandate for life, there is nothing stopping him from actively mocking God.

Solomon describes three paths to ruin so that we can avoid them. By pursuing God's purposes for life, we do.