The Wisdom of Sexual Fidelity

Peter Rufus
Series in Proverbs: Wise in His Eyes
The Wisdom of Sexual Fidelity
Proverbs 5
30 April 2023

The choice Solomon describes for his son is between suffering for seduction, or satisfaction in marriage. One cannot have it both ways.

The problem Solomon describes is lack of obedience to the father's instruction. The concern he has is that the son would fail to see where his choices end up. We reap what we sow; and the warning is against desiring what does not have God's approval.

The father wants his son to get a clear view of consequences, and so keep far away from sin. Only a fool thinks his bad actions will have no consequences - and sometimes, these consequences can be severe. Our God is holy, and his people must be also.

The answer to sexual fidelity is to find satisfaction in marriage. Doing whatever we want leads to death, but following the provision of God brings joy.