100 Faith In Practice (Part 2) (John 21:15-25)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Faith in Practice
John 21:15-25
12 November 2023

What we love is demonstrated in how we spend our time. In this life, faithful discipleship means prioritizing Christ over all.

Discipleship is a calling. The heart of discipleship is to follow Him whom we love, because we have been called out of darkness to follow Christ. In John 21, we see Peter had lost heart, and failed to love his Lord more than the world. We often do the same, but we also see Jesus calling Peter back to Himself by asking him to serve the Church. Our love for Christ is demonstrated in our love for others.

Discipleship is a course. It's a path every believer must follow in order to obey Christ - and no two believers will have the same path. We must go where Christ leads, trusting Him, and not envying the path of someone else. Faithful disciples don't follow their own will, but the will of Him who called them.