95 The Truth of Jesus' Death (John 19:31-42)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
The Truth of Jesus' Death
John 19:31 - 42
27 August 2023

The Scriptures reveal the truth about God. John wants us to understand the reality of the resurrection; and to understand it, we must first understand the reality of Christ's death.

We see the truth of Jesus' death in the fulfilment of Scripture. Just as the Passover lamb was not to have bones broken, none of Christ's bones were broken. We also see the truth in the piercing of His side. He died a real death as a man - and the Romans made doubly sure of this by piercing Him with a spear, as Scripture foretold.

We see the truth in the preparation of His body. Joseph of Arimathea believed in Christ, used his position to ask Pilate for Jesus' body. Nicodemus likewise came with a quantity of spices appropriate only to honour a king. And so as Jesus was buried in a rich man's tomb, ancient Scripture was again fulfilled.

The Scriptures long prophesied a coming Messiah. Jesus came and fulfilled those claims in His life and death, without doubt proving who He is.