88 Biblical Unity (John 17:20-26)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Biblical Unity
John 17:20 - 26
18 June 2023

In John 17, Jesus prays that all believers would have unity, even as God has unity in Himself. This unity is based upon our relationship with God, and flows out into our relationship with others.

Unity is founded on revelation. It is a biblical oneness produced by the Holy Spirit's work of making us one body in Jesus Christ. We seek to preserve the unity that is already present because of our fellowship with God.

Unity is displayed in sanctification. We shine our lights in this world to exhibit the character and nature of God. As we submit to His will, we become more like Him, and the world will see our obedience to the truth.

Unity is exhibited in fellowship. The world marvels that people of so diverse backgrounds can love each other. The world will see God's love displayed when we love other believers. And we only love because He first loved us.