90 The Trials & Denials (John 18:12-27)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
The Trials & Denials
John 18:12 - 27
09 July 2023

The contrast between Peter and Jesus is the contrast between a sinful disciple, and a perfect Savior. But even while Peter was failing, Jesus was going to the cross for his sins.

We see the courage of Jesus to endure the shame of being wrongfully arrested and accused. He exposed the corruption of the high priestly family, and they hated Him for it. But He came to suffer unjustly.

We see the cowardice of Peter. Despite his love for the Lord, he became afraid to the point of denying Christ. His weak faith was revealed, so that it might be later strengthened in repentance.

We see the illegal trial and conviction of Jesus. Jewish law forbade the kind of secret trial the high priesthood carried out, with no witnesses on scene. Annas, having failed to convict Him, sends Him on to Caiaphas.

We see the collapse of Peter. Peter's heart is revealed in his denial of Jesus three times. More than a lie, it was outright rejection, and the scene ends with Peter walking away, weeping greatly over his sin.